Unbelievably, yes, Networks is now 25 years old!
While it’s certainly time to celebrate, it is also important to remember all those who have traveled with us, helped us, challenged us, cheered us on, & joined with us over these amazing 25 years. You helped us realize our vision & assisted us to become more of who we are today.
Together we have
- fought injustices & discrimination
- encouraged others to find & raise their voices
- re-imagined schools, workplaces, communities, & lives
- assisted groups to coalescence around important issues
- found solutions (or at least some parts of solutions) to change the world to embrace ALL people.
We are still going strong & look to the next 25+ years of hard but exhilarating work.
But first, we will be taking time each month this year to look back, honor, & celebrate.

This month we are thrilled to honor George Callaway, the 2nd most senior person still at Networks! George is probably the best known Networks’ employee and has served us in more ways than any of us can count — copier of reams of training handouts, transcriber of many workshop evaluations, teacher, trainer, jokester, techie extraordinaire (especially phone systems), shoulder massager, great hugger & consoler on tough days, transportation guide (especially mass transit systems), and so much more!

And George would not be at Networks if it were not for his good friend and Networks’ former employee, Anthony Galasso. It was Anthony who George 1st visited and helped, and helped yet again… leading to George being employed by us. It was Anthony who was George’s 1st job coach. And it was Anthony who remained there with George long after he moved on from Networks continuing as George’s good friend and champion. We can never thank you enough, Anthony, for all you gave us…. including George.
Love you both forever!
And here’s a fun version of George’s story! Enjoy!!